Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash |
"We are what we do over and over again." This phrase often resonates in my head. And that's one of the reasons I chose to call my podcast "Positive Habits". Positive habits are, in my opinion, those that make us happy and allow us to achieve our goals. Negative habits, on the contrary, are those that pull us down.
By definition, these habits, whether positive or not, are rooted in our daily lives. These are things we do without really thinking about it, because we've been doing them for a long time and they don't really require our thinking. They are sometimes so entrenched that it's unthinkable for us to change them, because we've always done it that way, and that's it. Still, rethinking these habits every now and then can be really beneficial and can make a real difference in everyday life.
This is particularly the case for morning habits, the famous "morning routine" which has been flooding Youtube for several years. It's not just a trend for me. Having a daily routine is important. It sets the tone for a day and helps us reach our goals.
Why adopt a more positive morning routine:
The morning is an important time, and the most opportune in my opinion, to set up positive habits. And our state of mind at that time is important for the rest of the day. It was through Hal Elrod's book "Miracle Morning" that I learned to initiate a positive ritual upon waking up.
Getting up with a negative state of mind, repeating to yourself over and over again "I don't want to go to work, I prefer to stay in bed" is a bit like saying to yourself "I don't want to go to work. get up to live the opportunities that life has to offer me ". It is rather demotivating.
Delaying waking up in the morning and falling back to sleep a few more minutes in the morning is not necessarily good. Even if it helps to scratch a few minutes of sleep 😅, it is not very positive for morale.
When we manage to change that morning mindset into something more positive, we are bound to see things differently. And we attract more positive events. And even though there are always struggles during the day, we don't see them the same way anymore because our point of view has changed. It's all a matter of point of view actually 😏 (if I had known ... 😆).
If your morning routine is more positive - that is, if you do something you love when you wake up - you'll want to get up in the morning more. Maybe you'll go to work a little backwards because sleeping was still a lot of fun, but you'll already be motivated to get up and you'll be in a better state of mind to start your day.
Do things that you enjoy doing in the morning that are positive for you. You will start the day by having taken care of yourself and that feels good. Making your well-being a priority is super cool for morale.
Don't give yourself excuses, because we all have our obligations. Some people have more obligations than you and manage to take this time for them. It is a matter of priority. Do not see it as a burden but as a way to succeed in being good with yourself, well in your head, well in your body.
Four things to do in the morning to start the day at the top:
1. Wake up away from the phone
No matter what you like to do when you wake up, do it away from your phone. Leave your phone in airplane mode at night and wait until you have finished your ritual to check your messages or go to social networks. Tell yourself that your brain needs an intermediate phase between sleep and wakefulness. Try and you will see that it feels good.
2. Take The time To Say Thank You For What You Are Going Through
It has been my favorite positive habit for almost four years. I use a gratitude journal in which I write three things every day that I'm grateful for, then the three things that I want to experience today, and finally I write a positive affirmation that I try to repeat myself several times a day to always stay focused on my goals. Again practicing gratitude is not just a trend but a habit that actually increases the level of happiness. It's scientifically proven.
If you want to learn more about the practice of gratitude, I dedicated an episode of my podcast to it here.
3. Visualize Your Day
Take the time to visualize your day, that is to say to imagine how it will unfold. Visualize your ideal day. Imagine having a great day. Imagine yourself feeling joy. The brain does not differentiate between the real and the imaginary. If you imagine that you are feeling good, if you feel happy about starting this new day, you will probably feel joy during the day.
If you have any doubts, try experimenting with this method for several days and see if it works for you. 😉 If you believe in it, you will have a better chance that it will work.
4. Eat a Good Breakfast
If you have an appetite in the morning, eat a good breakfast with things that you enjoy and that give you energy. If you can, skip the quick meals, the hasty croissant or the coffee on the bus. Give yourself time to eat. Personally, I enjoy having breakfast while listening to an audiobook. It keeps me from turning on the TV.
You may like to do other things. If you have time in the morning, it can be an opportunity to read, play sports ... in short, do things that help you feel good. This will inevitably have an impact on your day and on the achievement of your goals.
Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash |
To take control of your life or simply achieve your goals, it is necessary, if not essential, to have healthy lifestyle habits.
Having spent time trying out a lot of practice exercises, different habits, here are the 30 habits you can easily have today!
Taking back control of your life starts with having good habits.
1. Have The Core Values
Core values are simply the foundation, the solid pillars of your life. Everything around you will know the filter of these values. Do you know what values you follow in your daily habits? In my opinion, here are the 5 core values to have to have the life you dream of having:
- Everything is an impermanent
- Have the right mindset, the right state of mind
- Focus on actions rather than results
- Door that closes = door that opens
- Break down your goals to completely simplify the achievement of your goals, your ideal vision of life
I have written a whole article that details the 5 fundamental values to have in your habits to choose your life and know how to achieve your goals: CLICK HERE to read it.
2. Problems are a Good Thing
How do you see the problems, you? If there is one thing you need to remember, it's that it's all about perception and state of mind, as always.
The negative connotation of the word "problem" actually does not make you want to have it. But, even if at the time you tell yourself that you are going to waste time, energy on a particular "problem", you will also learn a lot. And, ironically, if you take a step back from this sort of situation, you will be able to see that you learn much more effectively when your learning emerges from an experience that was - at the time - problematic.
Did you make a mistake or suddenly something went wrong and it scares you? Don't panic, there are no problems, only solutions 🙂
3. See / Dream Big
Do you know why you got up this morning? 90% of people don't even take the time to think about it. Did you do it? I know exactly why I got up this morning.
Just take the time to think about your ideal outlook on life and what you would really like. This will allow you to break it down into intermediate objectives to achieve in order to achieve them little by little.
You know what ? You are only one step away - the hardest one by the way - from the life you really want to have, so get started now!
4. The Best Time to Take Action is Now!
There is NO good excuse for not taking action NOW.
5. Be Scared, But Do it Anyway
To be afraid is quite normal. Fortunately, you are afraid ... It is an unconscious reflex that dates back to prehistoric times. Our brains are conditioned to be afraid and react accordingly. So you have absolutely no hand to completely stop being afraid.
On the other hand, you have the hand to choose your reactions to this fear. There are so many fears and fears on the path to success, to your ideal outlook on life, but rather than letting this fear control you, cripple you, limit you, choose your reactions and use that fear wisely.
People who are successful in achieving their goals get things done without worrying about what they can't control ...
6. Ask Yourself The Right Questions
It sounds basic to say that you have to ask the right questions, and it is. But I think it's important to remember that.
We ask ourselves countless questions every day. But the goal is not to spend your day asking yourself X questions. You will eventually get carried away by your thoughts, even let yourself be paralyzed by them.
Focus on the right questions, the ones that will help you achieve your goals. Focus on what you have control over, on your actions that will gradually lead you to your ideal vision of life, to your goals.
7. Knowing How To Take Responsibility
Not every action you take will be useful for your goals. Maybe you've even made or will make mistakes - that's for sure. But without taking action, you can be sure you won't see any change.
So take action, and if you make mistakes, just learn from your mistakes so you don't duplicate them and gain experience!
8. Be Positive and Persevere
THE good state of mind. This one comes back often ... It is so important. Being positive isn't always easy. Especially when you are in a difficult period where several "problems" or negative consequences are occurring. But it's EXACTLY in those kinds of situations that you have to force yourself to see the positive side of things. This is how you build a good mood!
9. Success Attracts Success
It is YOU and just you who create your own luck. You have to focus on your real goals, which is what you really want.
A great exercise for that is to visualize. It can even - and this is one of the best habits you can have - a little daily ritual. Take the time to settle down, take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine yourself, visualize, feel how you will feel when you have achieved your goal.
10. Just Be Yourself
Be original. Be the best version of yourself.
Always and always seek to optimize your strengths, this is really what will take you far!
A simple habit and exercise for this is to dare to ask people around you for comments, constructive criticism on you just to improve yourself. This is one of the best exercises, difficult, but effective and fast, there is!
11. Dare to Swim Against The Tide
People who are successful in achieving their goals don't appeal to people. And that's how it is ... They don't need the constant approval of others to progress. And that is a great personality trait to have - or to develop ...
12. STOP if Necessary For Control
Can't you control a situation, an action or something? So forget ... There's no point wasting time and energy on things you can't handle!
13. It's all About The Journey
What really matters? The destination ? Or the trip…?
You have 4 hours 🙂
14. Always Learn
At school, we spend our time learning quite eclectic things. And that's great: it allows us to gradually build our vision of the world and everything that surrounds us in general.
But, in general, apart from a few training courses here and there at work - which are not always very interesting - you practically stop learning ...
Continually learning will allow you to better understand everything around you, to improve yourself, to discover (and why not branch off in your life path?), To develop your senses, your knowledge ... And I have no better ones.
This is how we keep growing ...
15. Challenge accepted!
Challenge yourself! Dare to step out of your comfort zone from time to time ... It can only benefit you ...
It is in these kinds of situations that you learn very intensely, that you discover ways of reacting, personality traits that you did not even know!
What if you launched a “comfort challenge” once a week? 🙂
16. Manage your Emotions
Having emotions is quite normal - that's what humanizes us, right? But ... Sometimes we get overwhelmed by them.
Those who succeed in achieving their goals are not slaves to their emotions. Not that they prevent themselves from feeling things - on the contrary! But they make sure not to let their emotions paralyze. They make good use of it!
Being able to ensure that you are not a victim of your emotions will lead you to another habit to have: discipline. I would say even more, self-discipline. The one that will keep you from procrastinating in times of weakness!
17. On Top of Communication
If you want to succeed in achieving your goals, knowing how to communicate, and above all, knowing how to communicate well is essential.
It is by communicating in the right way that you will avoid any implication or other action that can create misunderstanding. And there is nothing worse to get you stuck in impossible situations than misunderstanding: it wastes your time and energy on unnecessary things.
18. Have a Good Morning Routine
Anyone who succeeds creates a morning routine to be on top! No need to be long, just enough to take time for yourself, meditate, read (learn), play sports ... Now is YOUR time: make good use of it! 🙂
19. Money is not Everything
Money and success may be correlated, but they are nonetheless interchangeable. And that is something to keep in mind to achieve your goals. The most successful people have understood ...
20. Knowing How to be Content With What you Have
In an increasingly consumer-oriented society with its relentless need to innovate, it's hard to be happy with what you have. You have to know not to derive your self-esteem from what you have, where you live or how you look. It's "just" hardware, it's replaceable. You're worth a lot more than what you own, aren't you?
21. Practice Gratitude
Speaking of knowing how to be content with what you have, you can be grateful for that as well. Know how to thank someone for something they've done for you - even if it's their "job." Enjoy sharing, helping others what you're good at!
Gratitude is now scientifically proven to be very effective on health and well-being. Integrating it into your habits is undoubtedly one of the keys to being happy.
22. More Humility, Less Arrogance
Stay humble! This is a quality that is more and more difficult to keep in our “social networks” generation. Use your strengths wisely, but don't overdo it ... What's the point of being arrogant if not trying to catch the eye of others? What more does it get you? If it's not superficial relationships ...
23. Door That Closes = Door That Opens
It's one of the 5 fundamental values. And even if it is complicated at a time when you experience a failure to see the positive side of things, you will see that with hindsight, a door that closes is another that opens ... Know how to see the bright side of things. things. It is hardly possible to make it part of your daily habits to see that a door that closes is one that opens.
On the other hand, you can make it a habit to regularly analyze the doors that are closing so that you can see those that open.
While many people use excuses such as age, health, "lack of time", "bad luck" or lack of opportunity to explain their failure, the key to success is finding a way to be successful. , despite the challenges they face.
24. Health is Precious
Being well both physically and mentally is essential. It is essential to integrate into your habits the fact of taking the time for yourself, of listening to yourself in order to take care of yourself.
25. Surround Yourself With The Right People
“You attract what you are. "There isn't much more to say except to stress that being positive in your daily life, in your relationships, in your habits will allow you to attract positive people. It's only these kinds of relationships that will pull you to the top!
26. Knowing How to Spend Time Alone
Being alone from time to time means taking the time for yourself, therefore being more able to listen to yourself, therefore to go in the right direction (the one that will lead you towards YOUR goal in life). Even though it is essential to have (good) relationships - which allows you to grow differently - it is in these moments when you find yourself facing yourself that you can really focus on your goals and what you really want. CQFD.
27. Knowing How To be Demanding
We were talking about self-discipline earlier: it is when you are in the bottom of the wave and are ready to let go that you just have to know how to hold on and persevere. This is how you will go far: anchor it in your daily habits!
28. See Yourself as a Whole
We are not only physical and psychological beings, we are also emotional and spiritual creatures.
It's also not about being perfect in every aspect of your life, on the contrary, that would be counterproductive. Know how to self-analyze in order to know which aspects of your life you use the most and how to make these aspects efficient!
29. Knowing How To Say STOP
Take time. Simply. We're still running around these days. But it is important to know how to say stop and to get some fresh air, to cut yourself off from your daily life, from your job.
Usually, pressing the OFF button for a few moments is a real leverage effect. It allows you to take a step back, to breathe. The time you will take to cut will be a huge time saver later on because of the distance you have managed to take, the fact of having been able to calm your emotions, of simply having cut off from your daily life.
It is better to cut regularly, even if it is really not long, than to wait a long time before cutting a good cut ... Otherwise, nothing like to accumulate everything and get everything out in a way you don't want it to come out… No need to draw I imagine? 🙂
30. Don't Take The Easy Way Out
Without a pun, it's very (far too) easy to take the easy way out. And what does it mean to take the easy way out? Do you really think this is the shortest way? Ironically, it's usually even the longest ...
Because, choosing a less easy path, at worst, it risks you "failing" (and again, it depends in which way you see it, again), but as explained above, this is how you learn the fastest and most efficient! And, at best, you get it right the first time!
While most people are looking for the easiest way or a shortcut, successful people are more interested in the more effective way. It's the habit of finding the course of action that will produce the best long-term results that is the best option, don't you think? 🙂