10 Morning Habits Adopted by Successful Women


Creative and successful women often share the same daily habits. What are these mysterious rituals and healthy habits built into their lives and why?

The Camille Style site looked at women who have experienced success. They interviewed them to share their secrets with him, which is what habits they have day after day that make them so successful. The idea behind this process is simply to inspire other women to do like them.

Need inspiration? Here is the list of the 10 secrets revealed by those who, in the morning, prepare their day as if they were Prime Minister of Canada.

1. Get up early!

Most of the women met by the journalist for Camille Style magazine say they get up early, in order to give themselves ample time to have lunch, take care of their children (those who have them), meditate and plan their day without feeling rushed or rushed. carried away by stress.

2. Make your bed

Cameron Diaz says she makes her bed every morning no matter how busy she is. It’s a tiny little task, but it gives an instant sense of accomplishment that makes you feel capable of taking on whatever challenge your day throws at you. Starting the day with this habit creates a domino effect: the feeling of well-being that comes from this action allows you to find the motivation to tackle other positive tasks.

3. Visualize the perfect day

Take the time to think about the people you will meet and the situations that will arise during the day and visualize how you want to approach them, in order to become proactive rather than reactive. Visualization can be done while you are drying your hair or even in your shower. When we can see ourselves in our head in our best version, our future actions are more likely to follow our thoughts.

4. Tackle the most important item on your to-do list first

Morning is the time of the day when our minds are the most freed, which makes it the best time to get busy with the very important thing, underlined in bold, on your to-do list.

5. Eat an energy breakfast

This normally means a happy mix of protein, good fat and good carbohydrates: eggs, yogurt, granolas, smoothies containing bananas, frozen blueberries, kale, butter and almond milk. Several women interviewed mentioned making smoothies for the road because it is easy to find a bundle of good nutrients in one glass.

6. Exercise before an apology gets in your way

Almost all of the women interviewed by reporter Camille Style start their day with a workout. Not only does getting moving in the morning make your heart pump and release endorphins that are good for your mood, but by getting up and starting the day, you make sure you don't go straight.

7. Connect with someone you love

A date with your partner over breakfast or a tickling session with your kids sets priorities and reminds you of what really matters. Even if your morning routine is very busy, still take the time to sit down for a few minutes and chat a little with your loved ones about their plan for the day.

Remember, just smiling makes you feel happier. The next time you get off on the wrong foot, go see your partner and laugh at their nanny jokes. You mood will suddenly become much less gloomy.

8. Be a great planner

It's no secret that successful people stick to their agendas and make sure priorities are addressed first. As you visualize your day, make a list of all the things you want to accomplish and put them on your calendar. This frees your mind for tasks that require creativity. Remember to take a few breaks here and there.

9. Adjust your beauty routine

The bosses of big companies don't have time to spend all the time in front of the mirror. Most of them have a makeup and hair routine that they can accomplish at lightning speed.