How To Feel Good About Yourself 7 Secrets to Rediscovering and Loving Yourself

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

 How to feel good about yourself Feeling good is not innate. Indeed, we are not born well in our skin or not. Yes, we learn to become and especially to remain so. In other words, we need to put certain things in place on a daily basis. Here are 7 secrets to rediscover yourself.

Today I will answer this question: "How to feel good about yourself? "

Many of us suffer from physical complexes. We feel too much or not enough. This body which, however, is wonderful, we try to hide it and we denigrate it at the slightest opportunity.

However, that does not make us happy.

So how do we make peace with our bodies. Here are 7 secrets to feeling good about yourself.

How to feel good about yourself 7 secrets to rediscover yourself

1 - Play Sports

How to feel good about yourself By playing sports. What a scoop, isn't it ?! (laughs)
We all know we need to exercise to feel good, but too many of us still don't.
Yep, we're running out of time, it's well known. So, what do we do ? Are we not changing anything?
No, what we're going to change is our relationship to time. Repeat after me, "My time is mine. My quality of life depends on how I use it. "
In other words, if your number one goal is to feel good about yourself, know that sport is not an option, but an obligation. So the first step is to find the time.
For that, I invite you to make a list of everything you do for a week. Yes, a week! Write down everything and try to do your best to keep track of how long each thing takes you.
Also, I would like you to rate everything from 1 to 10: 1 being that I don't like and 10 I love what I do.
Take all of the things that are rated between 1 and 4 and think about how to delegate or remove them. Thus, it will give you time to play sports.
Once you have time, start small. If you're not used to exercising, do small things, but often.

Example: skipping rope for 5 minutes, some yoga postures or sheathing for 10 minutes, going for a run for 15 minutes, walking quickly for 30 minutes ...

Then, once you find your rhythm and gain confidence, increase more and more.

2 - A tidy Cabinet

What does a tidy cabinet mean? It's a wardrobe where you only see clothes you really love and wear!

In other words, all the clothes that you haven't worn at least once in the past 6 months, you give them away or sell them. Do the same for all the clothes you keep in case, because so and so gave it to you, maybe one day it will come back to the world. Yes, get rid of everything you don't like in your closet.

Why ? Because every time you open your wardrobe, you will have in front of you clothes that you like to wear and that scream at you: "you feel good when you wear me".

How to feel good about yourself By sorting out his wardrobe and keeping only the clothes we like.

3 - A Beautiful Toiletry Bag To Feel Good about Yourself

Yes, we're going to do the same with our toiletry bag, we're going to sort it out: on one side everything we like to use and on the other side everything else! We give it away or throw it away.

Having a clean and tidy toiletry bag containing only the products we like to use will tell you every day when you open it: "With me, you feel good!" "

How to feel good about yourself By having a custom made toiletry bag that we like!

4 - Have a Beautiful Interior

Yes, yes, the sorting doesn't stop there ... Ahah!

We're going to sort out all the rooms in our house. Why ? Because our interior has a real impact on our mood, our self-confidence and our motivation.

A clean and tidy interior, an interior revealing only objects that we like to use or look at is an interior that makes us feel better.

How to feel good about yourself By taking care of our interior so that it really looks like us.

5 - Smile and Compliment Yourself to Rediscover Yourself

Nothing better to feel confident than smiles and compliments. Unfortunately, if we wait wisely to receive it from our loved ones, sometimes it can turn out to be a very long time. (laughs)

So why wait? What if we gave ourselves smiles and compliments?

How? 'Or' What ? All it takes is a mirror and a good habit.

That's why now every morning and every evening, in front of the mirror:

Let's make eye contact (and we're not cheating, I'm watching!)

Breathe calmly

We smile until we see pretty crow's feet around our eyes

And, give us 3 compliments: I love my hair, my skin, my hands ...

Each time, let's try to take a good look at ourselves and love every part of our body.

How to feel good about yourself By learning to love yourself without limits!

6 - Let Others Take Care of Us

Going to the hairdresser, the beautician is not always a ritual. Particularly because it costs money.

Here again, money can be found like time. So, to our list: List all of your expenses for the month. Then, put each of your expenses into categories: food, commute, health, bills and extras. Take a look at your extras first. See if you can reduce some or even remove some. Among your bills, isn't there a subscription that is lying around that you are not using?

Sift through all your expenses and put aside any that are not essential or bring you any joy.

Also, trust the sorting that you will have done of your wardrobe and your house, because this will push you to buy only what you really like and what you are going to use. In other words, you will avoid a lot of unnecessary expenses!

Then, reinvest this money to let professionals take care of you: hairstyle, waxing, massage, nail polish ...

These are expenses that you might think are superfluous, but not at all! They have a real impact on the way you see yourself.

Plus, these are times when you thank your body for what it is and for everything it does for you. Every day he gets you out of bed, saves you a living. It allows you to walk, run, breathe, eat, dance… So it deserves a little attention for our greatest happiness.

How to feel good about yourself By providing attention and care to our body.

7 - Eat Better and Better To Feel Good about Yourself

Eat better and better, what does that mean? In fact, that applies to anyone who is greedy like me. (laughs)

Indeed, I know that eating healthy is what will make me have a more beautiful complexion, a healthier and firmer body, but it is not easy!

So, my secret to eating better and better and thus feeling better and better in my body is to start small.

Eating healthy is a long term goal and my short term action is to gradually eliminate fatty foods from my daily life.

Before, every morning, I ate nutella and rusks. My first action was to replace them for muesli. I can only find nutella on my pancakes now, for my greatest pleasure, because I am rediscovering it!

You can remove the sugar in your coffee, the soda in your glass, reduce the 2 slices of Camembert by one, two cakes by one ...

The goal is to move slowly, but surely towards our goal of healthy eating. At our pace!

How to feel good about yourself By eating better and better.